Indians and Pilgrams

Indians and Pilgrams
HOw cool

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Friends Leaving

Alot of my best friends are leaveing. I just found out that my best guy friend is going to another school. My mom says maybe we should look at the school and see if it a good school. If you friend are going to another school keep in toch. The way I am going to keep in toch is that he has a little sister in my little sisters grade and a little brother in my little brothers grade. I will see him a lot cause of them. They stay at the school I still go to. It is hard keeping in  toch. If you really like this kid try seeing him/her at places. Maybe the mall, or the pool. Anything!!! If your friend moved out of the state or country then invite them to come and vist. You can also vidio chat. I just can't beleive he is gone. First his friend know him:(

Monday, August 16, 2010

more abput girls

To talk to a girl you think of things to talk about that she likes. For example if a boy liked me  ( and if he was good at getting a girl) he would talk to me about sports, skateboarding, and water sports. Like wakeboarding and nee boarding stuff like that. You guys and people out there think oh things girl likes to be on the couputer. Wrong i hate it. I have to do it for school. Not that fun though. Well if a girl likes sports then talk to her about sports. If she likes musice talk to her about musice. If she likes baseball and on and on.

Friday, August 13, 2010


My sister, friend and i went to our pool. But when we got there the wires exploded. We were fine but the pool closed. So we wnet to mhouse after a while it started to rain. After it rained me and my friend went and climed out my window onto the roof. After that we asked my mom if we could go out side. She said no. So we went to the basement with my little sister. We snuck out of the basement got the bikes and went out the back. I knew mom would be ok if we stayed in the coart but we had other ideas. My little sister wanted to go to the lake. I knew we could get there in four min. But the hill up will kill her. So i said lets go get Hannah. Ok hannah couldn't come outside so we biked to Zac's he said shure Maria came too. I gave Maria my bike and got the skate board i brought with us and skated down the hill while they biked down we were back at our court snuck in and they rang the dorr bell so we went out side with out trouble! Thatwas fun

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to get a girl

To get a girl be really nice to her. Ask her to be your friend. If you don't really know her like you saw her at the pool and think she is very nice. Then ask her out if she laughs at you which might not happen then say "Sorry it was a bet but I  think you are very pretty! Do you want to hang out?" If you don't want to ask her out then say "HI my name is ......... do you want to hang out?" She will think you are nice. If she is shy  she might take time to say shure so then say something funny or intresting!


IF you want to leave or runaway as it is called! You need to be prepared! First take jeans long sleeve shirts are good too. Tang tops are good too for hot weather! IF you live in a two storie house  and are upstairs then climb down the window with ropes!  Take a friend on your trip. Don't leave the house for two days before you leave for good or fun a couple a days! Then your parents will never get on your tail! Give more comments for what else tell you more later!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


If you are a  girl 11 or older wear a two piece it i s for the best! If you are a boy try first beign a friend no corney stuff.  If you are 9-25 years old then you have to know how to flip into the pool off the diving board! That is the things these days! You just need  to know how to work your body! I did it by the help of my older cousin ! He is very good! Sorry i have to go today ! Say more later!