Indians and Pilgrams

Indians and Pilgrams
HOw cool

Friday, August 13, 2010


My sister, friend and i went to our pool. But when we got there the wires exploded. We were fine but the pool closed. So we wnet to mhouse after a while it started to rain. After it rained me and my friend went and climed out my window onto the roof. After that we asked my mom if we could go out side. She said no. So we went to the basement with my little sister. We snuck out of the basement got the bikes and went out the back. I knew mom would be ok if we stayed in the coart but we had other ideas. My little sister wanted to go to the lake. I knew we could get there in four min. But the hill up will kill her. So i said lets go get Hannah. Ok hannah couldn't come outside so we biked to Zac's he said shure Maria came too. I gave Maria my bike and got the skate board i brought with us and skated down the hill while they biked down we were back at our court snuck in and they rang the dorr bell so we went out side with out trouble! Thatwas fun

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