Indians and Pilgrams

Indians and Pilgrams
HOw cool

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Friends Leaving

Alot of my best friends are leaveing. I just found out that my best guy friend is going to another school. My mom says maybe we should look at the school and see if it a good school. If you friend are going to another school keep in toch. The way I am going to keep in toch is that he has a little sister in my little sisters grade and a little brother in my little brothers grade. I will see him a lot cause of them. They stay at the school I still go to. It is hard keeping in  toch. If you really like this kid try seeing him/her at places. Maybe the mall, or the pool. Anything!!! If your friend moved out of the state or country then invite them to come and vist. You can also vidio chat. I just can't beleive he is gone. First his friend know him:(

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